Contract logistics

We provide modern A class warehouses with an area of over 350 000 sq. m, thoughtful solutions and comprehensive additional services for large, medium and small businesses.

Advantages of VMI (from the recipient’s and supplier’s perspectives)

Advantages for the recipient (manufacturing or trading company):

  • easy purchase planning
  • fast component purchase order lead time
  • stock reduction (reduction of warehousing costs)
  • minimisation of shortages of manufacturing resources
  • flexibility of action and susceptibility to changes in manufacturing plans
  • safety of the solution

Advantages for the supplier:

  • lower freight costs thanks to shipping larger amounts of goods
  • control over the stock until it leaves the warehouse
  • ensuring higher flexibility of component delivery lead times
  • minimising forecasting errors
  • mutual pricing agreements between the recipient and the supplier – both parties obtain
  • considerable room for manoeuvre during negotiations
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