Sales Academy

The ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Sales Academy has been created for candidates who have only just started their professional career.

We are looking for people interested in working in sales in the TSL industry, focusing on constant development, open to new challenges and ready to work and achieve results.
If you have no idea what to do during holidays yet, spend them in a pleasant atmosphere together with us (!) at ROHLIG SUUS Logistics.

Earlier experience in sales is not a prerequisite. The program has a permanent nature - we invite candidates to apply using the application form throughout the whole year!

Stages of recruitment:

1. in-depth interview with a representative of the personnel team,
2. verification of the candidate by the sales team,
3. solving a case study regarding sales in the TSL industry,
4. offer of employment agreement for the best candidates, a system of training and development possibilities in the sales department.

Get your first professional experiences while supervised by the best specialists!


Inquiry form