System integrations

We provide the following systems integration options for our clients:

  • WebBooking is a Web-based application which enables you to enter and handle orders, print transport documents, create reports, as well as providing access to scanned proofs of delivery (PoD), order status notifications, etc. Apart from manual data entry, with WebBooking you can also import orders in batches from files.
    This tool is dedicated to your needs if your company ships moderate volumes and you want to start working with us quickly, without incurring extra expenses on systems integration.
  • WebAPI (Webservice) – this solution makes for complete integration of your system with ours, to enable you to handle orders fully within your system. Data exchange takes place via the SOAP protocol and includes transport notification, download of transport documents (labels and collective bill of lading) and verification of order status.
    It is the perfect solution for you if you ship medium to large volumes and your system can be adapted to our WebAPI standard.
  • Dedicated integrations, are based mostly on file interfaces in a wide range of formats, including: XML, EDIFACT, Fortras100, SAP IDoc, XLS etc. This is the solution we offer you if you use ERP systems where the interface information range goes beyond standard solutions and your volume is high.
  • WebOrdering is a proprietary online application created by ROHLIG SUUS Logistics. It enables establishing notification of deliveries and releases, as well as overview of current stock levels, document status and product directories. It is an instrument dedicated to your company if you want to commence cooperating with us quickly and without having to incur additional expenses on integration.
Contact your sales representative for more information.
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