Rail freight


Nowy Jedwabny Szlak - regularne serwisy na trasie Europa – Chiny / Chiny Europa.

Block Train from China

Our Block Train from Changping to Poland is a comprehensive solution for more goods, reducing costs and simplifying procedures.


  • transit time: 18-20 days
  • direct connection
  • guaranteed departure once a week
  • space security (Block Train with 50 containers)
  • customs handling
  • possibility to order transport to the terminal from Shenzhen, Zhongsha, Foshan, Dongguan, Guangzhou
  • possibility of distribution in Poland and Europe

We can also provide our clients with door-to-door deliveries, additional cargo insurance, shipment monitoring and warehouse service.

Let’s talk about our own Block Train from China. Please submit a query via this contact form

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